The Regulatory structure in the Aviation Industry set up by the European Aviation Safety Agency, known as EASA, is quite complex. There are many EU regulations for various areas in Aviation. Personnel working, or intend to work, for aviation organisations under the Part 66 and Part 147 regulatory system are not fully aware of the EASA structure and the respective EU regulations. The course is beneficial mainly for Part 147 approved Training Organisation Managers, Quality / Compliance Managers, Training Managers, deputies and Instructors. The course is intended to help the learners navigate through the regulations rather than explaining them one by one. It is important that the learners know what subjects are included in the regulations and where to find them when needed. In this way, both sectors will be in the same playing field. Background knowledge will not be tested at length.
Course Objective
This course reviews the Implementing Rule EU 1321/2014, the requirements of Part-66 Annex III, Part-147 Annex IV and the corresponding AMC and GM material.
Target Audience
Representatives from Aviation Industry and Personnel involved in Aviation Training and Human Resources, Quality/Compliance and Safety personnel and Certifying Staff.
2 Days
Course Content
- Part-66 (Annex III) Aircraft Maintenance Licence requirements. Detailing Basic licence, type training, OJT and the role of the National Aviation Authorities. Including the new licence categories introduced with EU 2018/1142. (B2L, L licence etc.)
- Part-147, the requirements for a Maintenance Training Organisation. Including the meaning of the regulation change introduced with EU 2018/1142 for approved Basic Training organisations.
Starting Date
to be confirmed
to be confirmed